Why Interchange Plus Pricing Is the Best Way to Pay for Payment Processing

If there was an award for the most convoluted industry on the planet, payment processing would probably win by a landslide. And if we had to choose the most needlessly complex aspect of our industry, it would have to be how processors choose to charge for their services. Whether they’re using interchange plus pricing, tiered

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Lucid Payments vs. Square: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

As we’ve said countless times before, the payment processing industry suffers from a serious lack of clarity. Business owners don’t understand it, processors aren’t making it any easier to understand, and unfortunately, they’re benefiting from maintaining that status quo. We, on the other hand, have chosen to take a different approach by putting the best

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Searching for Easy Payment Solutions? Our Sales Manager, Michael Nelson, Can Help

Like it or not, if you own a business, you’re going to need some kind of payment processing. But our industry doesn’t do much to clarify things for merchants, and for the most part, it fails to provide easy payment solutions, keeping everything as convoluted as possible. That being said, we understand how difficult it

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16 Ways to Improve Your Online Store and Boost eCommerce Sales

So, you’ve set up your online store, everything’s ready to go, and you couldn’t be any prouder. Your website’s up and running, your products are all in stock, and you’re just itching to start filling up boxes and shipping out orders. But despite your enthusiasm, you’ve barely made any sales, customers keep abandoning their carts,

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Can a Bigger Processor Truly Provide More Secure Payment Processing?

After being in this industry for more than a decade, we’ve heard more than our fair share of myths and misconceptions about payment processing. And if there’s one thing that we’re most sick of hearing about, it’s the mistaken idea that large companies, like the big banks, can provide more secure payment processing. We’re not

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A Look Into the Future: How Payment Processing Technology Will Be Evolving in 2024

Payment processing technology is constantly evolving, and things can change so rapidly that trying to keep up with it all can be incredibly overwhelming. But as a business owner, if you want to give your customers what they want, and be able to compete with others in your industry, you can’t just ignore this stuff.

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Bettering Your Bottom Line: How to Save Money on Credit Card Processing Fees

As much as we hate to say it, the truth is Canada’s economy is not doing very well. After several years of unprecedented business disruptions, along with soaring inflation and interest rates, Canadians aren’t spending the way they used to, and businesses that have made it through these trying times are feeling the pinch like

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Payment Processing Articles

Why Interchange Plus Pricing Is the Best Way to Pay for Payment Processing

July 22 2024

Why Interchange Plus Pricing Is the Best Way to Pay for Payment Processing

If there was an award for the most convoluted industry on the planet, payment processing would probably win by [...]


How to Respond to a Bad Review in the Best Way Possible

June 25 2024

How to Respond to a Bad Review in the Best Way Possible

If you own a business, chances are, it’s taken you years to get it up and running. Not to [...]


Lucid Payments vs. Square- Which One Is Best for Your Business?

May 16 2024

Lucid Payments vs. Square: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

As we’ve said countless times before, the payment processing industry suffers from a serious lack of clarity. Business owners [...]


Let’s Simplify Your Payment Processing